Documentation: Maya Tools - Unreal Tools

mgTools Installation Maya and Unreal (scroll down for Unreal)


1.Extract files from the file to a temporary folder. The files in the Maya folder are the tools for Maya and the ones in the Unreal folder are for Unreal Engine.

2. In Maya, create an empty shelf or use an existing one (it will error on shelves that have dividers, if that happens, just create a new shelf for mgTools without dividers).

3. You can name the shelf anything you want.

4. With the shelf selected in the Maya toolbar, drag the file into the Maya viewport.

5.Your shelf should have icons for the tools. If so, installation was successful.


1.To install the tools for Unreal Engine, first extract the files from the file. The files in the Maya folder are the tools for Maya and the ones in the Unreal folder are for Unreal Engine. Copy the files or just the whole Unreal folder and put it where you want to keep these files and run them from. You can rename the Unreal folder. These tools are installed on a project basis. So you will do this for each Unreal project you run.

2. Launch the Unreal project that you wish to use these tools with. Make sure you have loaded the Python plugins once Unreal is loaded with your project.

3. We are going to add a startup script to create the new Menu with our Unreal mgTools.

4. Under Startup Scripts, press the + to add a new entry, then put the full path and filename for which is one of the files in the Unreal folder for mgTools. All the files need to be in the same folder of your choosing.

5. Restart Unreal Engine and open your project again. You should see the mgTools menu added.

Documentation: Maya Tools - Unreal Tools