For script Installation, manual and automatic, scroll to bottom of page.

Drag and Drop Script Installation

  1. Unzip the file and drag the install python file to your Maya viewport. It will install the scripts into the currently open Shelf.


Manual Script Installation

 1. You can manually copy the files to this location:


The script gets installed to the current user's scripts folder. If you want it to live somewhere else, you can copy it to a different location and use that path for the steps below.

2. Next we'll manually create a shelf button (the install script would normally do this for you). Click the gear icon next to your shelf, and optionally create a New Shelf or choose the Shelf you want to add the buttons to. Then go to the Shelf Editor.

3. Make sure the correct shelf is selected on the left, then click the icon on the top right to create a new shelf button, rename it and fill in the fields at the bottom.


Button Name: mgMHFaceAnimImport

Icon: C:/Users/<User Name>/Documents/maya/2020/scripts/madguru_tools/meta_face_anim.png

Tool Tip: metahuman face anim importer. select an object with the character namespace and run

4. Click on the Command Tab in the Shelf Editor with your new button selected.


Make sure it is set to python and enter this command with the path to your file location.


import imp

mgMHFaceAnimImport = imp.load_source('', 'C:/Users/<User Name>/Documents/maya/2020/scripts/madguru_tools/')

5. Go back to the Shelves tab and click Save All Shelves at the bottom.


Face Anim Tools video courtesy of Micha Bostrom.